Dec 29, 2023
For the past years/decades, Zionists have taken every criticism of Israel as antisemitism. Now no one should be surprised, when criticism towards the Israeli state now leads to antisemitic actions. The Zionists have equated the Israeli state with the Jewish religion. I AM NOT CONDONING THESE ACTIONS, JUST TRYING TO FIND EXPLANATIONS!
Dec 26, 2022
Will AI ever catch up to humans? It already has. Not because AI is so smart, but because humans are dumber than we want to admit. Looking at people around us, you might agree. Humans are just a neural network on a powerful machine with [age] years of training.
Sep 24, 2020
Economics argues, markets would distribute vaccines according to willingness to pay. BUT: Diminishing marginal utility of wealth makes money a false representative of value. It’s an immoral argument for rich to promote “free” markets. @bethanymac12 and @zingales on #capitalisnt
Sep 24, 2020
Important @Freakonomics episode on socialism/social democracies mentions @caseybmulligan‘s Economic Impact of Sanders’ Radical Agenda. What’s the positive impact of a higher educated/healthier workforce? What about unfulfilled potential due to inequality?…
Sep 21, 2020
Brief and relevant summary of today’s problems with communication and discussion. Politicians should take note. (And yes, apparently tiktok is where these sort of videos are posted now. )
Sep 17, 2020
Anyone wanting to discuss (mainly but not only US-) politics should listen to this episode first: Freakonomics – Sep 17, 2020 –
Aug 30, 2020
“In Germany, an online grocery store is selling food from LSG Sky Chefs. […] The meals match that of the food currently available on planes.” – Mashable source from 2014! That online grocery store ceased operations in 2018! Check your sources @BBCWorld
Aug 9, 2020
It’s easy to tell a startup’s story in retrospect – focused on key moments/actions – luck and other contributing factors wrongfully ignored for the sake of the story. Many conclusions might be logical fallacies, though. (17:32) @Stitcher